What Pinpoint Travel Health offers to travellers and travel clinics
Recognising time is money, for both traveller and clinic, Pinpoint Travel Health reduces the time that both parties need to spend on the travel vaccination process.
Using cloud-based and highly secure software, the prospective traveller can pre-populate a form that gathers all relevant information about their health and proposed trip and destination, breaking the itinerary down step by step, to ensure exact locations of travel are pinpointed. This can make a huge difference to the vaccinations required.
With all information gathered before the traveller arrives at the travel clinic, the actual time spent by both themselves and the administering healthcare professional is cut to just 10-15 minutes – not the 45 that other current such services typically take.
Accuracy in travel vaccination
Using Pinpoint Travel Health software, vaccination administration becomes more accurate.
Powered by sophisticated algorithms, the software has already analysed the specific, pinpointed locations within which the client will travel and cross-checked those against all latest health intelligence. It accurately ascertains which vaccinations will be required, according to all latest health risk knowledge.
The traveller then benefits from receiving accurate vaccination consultation and the clinic need only order in the exact vaccinations required, in advance. This reduces the need for ordering and storing (under refrigeration) too large a stock of vaccines.
Provision of correct medical advice
Any contra-indications or drug-to-drug interactions are identified before the traveller arrives for their vaccination.
The clinic need not spend considerable amounts of time and money on training staff to look for such possibilities, as the software handles everything for them.
The onus on the clinic, to try to manually look up and assess which vaccinations are required, is removed. The PRX software has already assessed this, down to a regional and cross-border level, whereas WHO data is by country only. It not only makes things faster; it also reduces the risk of getting things wrong.
Ongoing travel healthcare
A traveller’s vaccination history can be stored securely on the cloud-based Pinpoint Travel Health system, to be accessed at a future date.
Currently, only NHS vaccines are logged on a central database.
Smarter follow-ups with the patient can also be undertaken, enhancing the service provision that the clinic provides.
Corporate Travel
Pinpoint Travel Health is also a hugely advantageous service for those clinics working with companies who have employees who travel abroad for work and who can often be based in remote, off-the-beaten track locations, or countries where certain diseases are commonplace.
The software’s ability to pinpoint locations and match them with required vaccinations can be vital for corporate travellers and those insured under a Corporate Travel and PA insurance policy.
Dramatically reducing the time that an employee has to be in the clinic for a consultation, also provides a better level of service delivery to corporate clients. Companies can also gain extra peace of mind from the more accurate assessment of required travel vaccinations provided, knowing this bolsters evidence of their duty of care to employees, as required under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Furthermore, using the Pinpoint Travel Health system enables a company to keep track of their employees’ medical records, without risking these becoming accessible to non-authorised individuals within the company. Pinpoint Travel Health’s secure data systems safeguard the health data of all employees needing vaccinations, in order to fulfil company duties.